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Daylight Savings Time…Again

It is that time of year again. Some of us in the northern hemisphere are squinting into the burgeoning sunlight, ready to emerge from the relative darkness of winter into the newness of spring.

With this, comes daylight savings time, where we spring forward into March, arguably sounding more energetic than the lose of a weekend hour of sleep suggests. 

Doubtless it is easier on the cuckoo clock owner since these clocks frown on anything and anyone trying to make them go backward. So here is a suggestion no for how to match your clock to the will of the United States Congress :

Turn the Minute Hand Forward

This is no invitation to grab the hour hand and move it mercilessly around the dial. Never do that!

Instead, gently take the minute hand and move it to the half way point of six, pause to let the cuckoo do it’s thing, and then proceed to advance to the following hour. Done.



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